Marco – The Actor
Marco Antonio Rodriguez (Actor/Writer/Producer/Director)
Bilingual writer born and raised in New York with roots from the Dominican Republic. MFA in acting-Meadows School of the Arts. Second MFA in television and screenwriting-Stephens College. Named one of fifty key figures in LatinX and Latin American Theatre by Routledge Key Guides. Award-winning stage plays Ashes of Light, Barceló on the Rocks and In the Name of Salomé have been performed all over the world including New York, Argentina and the Dominican Republic. Ashes Of Light and Barceló on the Rocks have been published in Spanish/English editions by NoPassport Press and studied at universities such as Rutgers and the University Of Puerto Rico. Marco Antonio has written guest commentary for national publication Latino Leaders Magazine and the Theatre Communications Guild. Recipient of a Banff International Writing Residency in Alberta, Canada and a CUNY Dominican Studies Institute Fellowship. His acclaimed stage adaptation of Junot Díaz' Pulitzer Prize-Winning novel, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, recently celebrated its third year of performances at Off-Broadway’s Spanish Repertory Theatre. His most recent play, Bloom, enjoyed a critically acclaimed run at New York’s IATI theatre and won the New York Independent Theatre Award (ATI) for outstanding achievement in playwriting. Horror full-length screenplay, Suffer the Children, named Finalist-Fresh Voices Screenplay Competition and Creative World Awards. Half-hour dramedy pilot, Our Friendly Neighbors, scored a rare 8 on The Black List and its short film version was recently produced by DominiRican Productions. Marco is a proud member of the Dramatists Guild and the Read LatinX Writers Initiative. He is a National Hispanic Media Coalition Series Scriptwriters Program Fellow and a recipient of The Movement Theatre Company x Black List Playwriting Commission. As an actor, he has been seen in numerous national commercials, television shows and films. He voices the character of Uncle Nestor in the PBS Kids Emmy-nominated series, Alma's Way.
Actor Affirmations
I make peace with where I am right now in my career.
Everything is working out for me right now, for my highest good.
I acknowledge myself for all I have done so far. I am proud of myself.
I release worrying about how things will come to me.
I release and let go of defining my self-worth by whether or not I book a job.
I am so much more than my acting work.
I love myself more each and every day.
As I let go of trying to control how I want things to happen, I make room for unlimited possibilities and unexpected wonderful surprises.